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Artist Michel Sardou
Title Interdit aux Bebes
Format / Label ref. 7" • Trema PPN 4961
Countryfrom France France
Descriptionpromo only 1-sided blue labels (monoface)
Price in £ [|$]£ 6.88Add to bag
Picture(s)Michel Sardou - Interdit aux Bebes - Trema PPN 4961 France 7"
All pictures are of actual items unless stated otherwise
Last visited items [clear]:
Michel Sardou: Interdit aux Bebes, 7" from France - promo only 1-sided blue labels (monoface)... - £ 6.88 x Frank Zappa: flyer for the Palais des Sports' show, Lyon, France, 1979, flyer from France, 1979 - Original promo A4-sized flyer for the Palais des Sports' show, Lyon, France, 1979 ... - £ 15.48 x

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